Writer's Journal #9 - Generative Writing
OVERVIEW As you have seen in our class, smaller pieces of writing can help us to sort through ideas, come to insights, and generally “write to learn.” One of the most valuable lessons a writer can learn is that no piece or portion of writing is wasted. Every time we write, we have the opportunity to learn and to use that learning in generative ways; in other words, each piece of writing we create can generate various sorts of materials that we can then use in other writing and thinking. . DESCRIPTION In this Writer’s Journal, you will have the opportunity to produce some generative writing that will help you to think about, and possibly generate material for, Writing Project #1. To that end, please choose one (1) of the topics below to write on for this Writer’s Journal:
I am a Christian, a CPA, an alumni of Korea University Business School, a golfer and a citizen of Seoul, South Korea. I am belong to various communities which affect my identity a bit by a bit. During last winter, South Korea experienced a groundshaking political transition mainly driven by the candlelight vigils. My family also participated in one of the vigils at Seoul in November 2016 with people more than 1.3 million. I had never seen so many crowds of people gathered in one place and I never expected such a public order with 1.3 million people. I was with a 3 year old daughter and my husband and I knew at that moment we were participating and witnessing a history. Before then, I did not have a strong identity as a citizen. As participating the vigil that deposed the nation's then president (and the dictator's daughter, Geun Hye Park), I could truly experience and learn the sense of civil right and the power of democracy by real life. Now the identity as a citizen consists major part of me and has matured with that experience.
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November 2017
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